Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Best Grift, Believe Me

Isn't it obvious by now that:

Trump's entire effort to run for president (which he never intended to or planned on winning), serving as president (as the host of a taxpayer-funded reality TV show where outrage was the Gross Domestic Product), and now selling $100 NFTs (of himself Photoshopped as a superhero) to the people who have been complaining about gas prices and inflation the loudest just to monetize anger from the most insecure, gullible, xenophobic, and/or ideologically desperate people?

Because I think it's obvious.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Dark Brandon Rises

MAGA told Sleepy Joe, "let's go, Brandon!" Then he evolved into Dark Brandon and racked up political wins all summer. Now MAGA is crying about nationwide losses at the ballot and being called "semi-fascist" by Dark Brandon. It's sure looking like a "Remember, Remember, the 8th of Roe-vember" election this fall.

If the Republican Party wasn't actively working to dismantle democracy, this would almost be entertaining.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Federalism Failures

It's amazing to me that conservatives so often fail to see medical privacy as a fundamental right which one has regardless of which state they happen to live in at the time.  Why should the people of Missouri, Connecticut, or anywhere else get to vote on whether a person can choose the reproductive healthcare that they determine with their doctor is best for them?

This "leave it up to the states" mantra is a failed federalism which leaves fundamental issues of bodily autonomy and individual liberty up to the whims of highly gerrymandered state legislatures. It didn't work for interracial marriage, it didn't work for segregated schools, it didn't work for sexual privacy, it didn't work for same sex marriage, and it won't work for medical privacy.