Monday, March 29, 2021

Talking to Protesters Outside Planned Parenthood

 ✨✨  ✨✨ Today's to do list:

✔ Pulled my bike over in front of Planned Parenthood on my way home.

✔ Talked to a religious couple with signs protesting the clinic.

✔ Learned about how they hadn't convinced anyone to change their mind about abortion.

✔  Learned they have never actually been inside a Planned Parenthood or used their services.

✔ Learned about how nobody who works at the clinic is interested in talking to them, yet they continue standing outside their workplace anyway, which is stalking behavior.

✔ Pointed out to them that their presence while wearing camouflage probably intimidates people who visit or work at the clinic, especially given the history of bombings and shootings by right-wing terrorists.

✔ Pointed out they are probably there to make themselves feel better, not to help anyone else, and their behavior is creating harm.

✔ Asked how they would feel if people made a practice of organizing protests in front of their church, especially based on intentionally misleading information about their church, while demanding that their right to worship was outlawed.

✔ Got them to admit they weren't comfortable with: 1) the federal government fully banning abortion, 2) the conditions of other countries in which abortion is banned, especially for women and girls, 3) locking up poor women for getting one while incentivizing wealthy women to receive one overseas, and 4) creating medical injuries or deaths from back alley abortions on the inevitable black market.

✔ Assured them that God had sent an atheist to deliver these important messages for them to pray about. ✨✨  ✨✨

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